Saturday, October 18, 2014

pumpkin patch

Hello. Our names are Mary & Nicia, and yesterday, we went to the pumpkin patch. 

We currently reside in beautiful Logan, Utah, while both of our husbands finish their accounting degrees. Neither of us are ready for the cold winter. But we do enjoy our pumpkins. Growing up, I (Nicia) used to go to the pumpkin patch with my family and search for the pumpkin with the most character. Because I have been living in Hawaii for the past couple years, I haven't made it to a pumpkin patch for quite some time and was SO excited to finally have a chance! 

So now you are probably asking-why Just a Nibble? Why a blog? Well, here is why. We both love food. Creating food, eating food, pretty much anything that pertains to food. We also dabble in fashion, especially fashion that we can buy for a good price! We believe that you can find the best pieces of clothing in the most obscure places (although we do love our Anthropologie sales). So, why would we decide to share our little nibbles of ideas with the world? Well, quite simply, we need a place to put them! And we love to share!

And as you can see, we have wonderful husbands who indulge in our frivolous pumpkin adventures. They are pretty fantastic.

Stay tuned for some of Mary's yummy recipes coming very soon. (:

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